
Saturday Jun 27, 2020
Ep 27 - Coronavirus (Covid-19) Fake Out on Carnivore Diet
Saturday Jun 27, 2020
Saturday Jun 27, 2020
Uh oh! Looks like I may have COVID-19 Corona virus!
In this episode we vlog and share exactly what it's like to think you have Coronavirus, how to get tested, going and getting tested. Then to see if I actually have it and what might symptoms are looking like day to day while I maintain a specific regimen of eating.
Watch as we share the story of all that's unfolding..
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Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Ep 26 - Carnivore Updates, What's Coming Next
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
We've been working on some cool things.
In this video I'll give folks an upcoming preview to some of the filming and preproduction the team has been working on and recording. From building my own cold plunge, to filming a mini documentary of regenerative agriculture to discussing upcoming plans for a Carnivore course this is a quick flash on things we're working on.
Check it out and check out our site below for great content, products and discounts.
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Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Ep 25 - 3 Ways To Maximize Recovery
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Lately I’ve seen my recent recovery scores much lower than before, in the mid 70s. Despite have a fairly consistent sleep routine the scores have been dipping and I’ve been looking at ways to improve them.
I can’t quite figure out, but I’ve decided to take specific steps. In video I explore how I am going about investigating this and the changes I plan to implement to see if I can crack this code.
Stay tuned in the future for an update on the results.
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Saturday Jun 06, 2020
Ep 24 - Focus Energy Maxed on Keto Carnivore Diet
Saturday Jun 06, 2020
Saturday Jun 06, 2020
Some of the biggest mistakes around Carnivore Keto Diets are improper management of energy. Energy management is critical to literally everything we do. It affects us so much throughout our days, as well as how well we do it. If we're not careful to properly guard it and management it we lose significant portions of our lives and are much less effective at how to properly harness it and have it work to our advantage. Let's talk about the process of how we can better manage our energy.
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Saturday May 30, 2020
Ep 23 - 3 Major Physique Building Mistakes Carnivore Keto
Saturday May 30, 2020
Saturday May 30, 2020
For many of us, going Carnivore Keto is about taking back our core health. Metabolic dysfunction and mental and physical markers of overall vitality and health.
Now being apart of this community for nearly 2 years, getting messages, addressing inquiries there are some common mistakes I see people making that aren't as obvious especially for those who want to achieve not just optimal healthy but a powerful physique with low body fat while still having strong cognitive performance and energy.
In this video we go over three of the biggest mistakes I've personally made and talk about how we can get not only the optimal health, energy but do it in a way that fuels our bodies for optimal gym and physique building performance.
These tips are not quick fixes, but I am seeing results and eager to share and learn.
We want your feedback! - As a Thank you...
We're Giving away our Carnivore QuickStart Guide (Retail $7.99)
Expires in Next 48 hours: End of May 31st - Survey below
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Saturday May 23, 2020
Ep 22 - Can Carbs Give us Superpowers on a Ketogenic Diet?
Saturday May 23, 2020
Saturday May 23, 2020
What if we could do a ketogenic Carnivore Diet but also include carbohydrates?! Would we want to? Could they help with weight loss, athletic performance and overall results? Well I did some digging and I was surprised to learn what I did, there was quite a bit of info and it took some sifting but I do believe I've encountered some valuable information and implemented it in a way that has allowed for even greater optimization in my workouts and recovery.
Check Out Our New Website:
Prod. Andrew Paulus “Paulus Visuals”

Saturday May 16, 2020
Ep 21 - My Carnivore Diet Story FINAL DECISION - What's Next?
Saturday May 16, 2020
Saturday May 16, 2020
What if you mastered the Carnivore Diet? What would you master next? How could you optimize and align yourself to truly take things to the next level in other areas of your life.
Check Out Our New Website:

Saturday May 09, 2020
Ep 20 - My Carnivore Diet Story, Is this the end?..
Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020

Saturday May 02, 2020
Ep 19 - Is it Really that Hard to do a Carnivore Diet? (2020)
Saturday May 02, 2020
Saturday May 02, 2020

Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Ep 18 - These 4 Tips Keep Testosterone High on a Carnivore Diet
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020