
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Ep 37 - Carnivore Diet Results 2 Years Bloodwork
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
It's been 2 years of 98% Carnivore. Haven't had any real plant foods outside of a few dark chocolate bars and the occasional drink here and there. I've optimized Sleep, Light, and my Diet to yield these results.
Take a look as I walk through all my markers and explain where I'm at and what sort of work I've put together with these labs to showcase how the Carnivore Diet impacts your blood markers and urine.
The vast majority of things are covered here: Lipids, metabolic health, inflammation, minerals, vitamins.
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Saturday Aug 29, 2020
Ep 36 - Breakfast Vlog on a Carnivore Diet
Saturday Aug 29, 2020
Saturday Aug 29, 2020
Kurt's neighbors, Stan and Alex both join in as he shows them what a nose to tail Carnivore Diet looks like and how to incorporate organs and a balance to have a nose to tail meal to start their day.
If you like this type of content, hit that like button, comment, share, and subscribe. Keep me posted on what you're resonating most with and what sort of content you'd like to see in the future.
Also check out the below to learn more on the website about the content and products I offer to optimize.
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Saturday Aug 22, 2020
Ep 35 - ChiliPad Blanket Review
Saturday Aug 22, 2020
Saturday Aug 22, 2020
Kyro, Inc. makes some really cool products for optimizing sleep. In the past, we've reviewed the ChiliPad and Ooler Sleep Systems. In this video, we're reviewing the world's first ever cooling weight blanket.
All those products can be found here w/ our respective discount codes:
This video will detail all the specs and info regarding the ChiliBlanket and in the end I'll share my opinion and thoughts on how it weighs up.
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Saturday Aug 15, 2020
Ep 34 - Cold Plunge Chest Freezer DIY Ice Bath
Saturday Aug 15, 2020
Saturday Aug 15, 2020
Cold water therapy has been one of the most profound environmental hermetics I've experienced.
Living in hot central Texas even our coldest shower water barely drops below 70 most of the year.
The self-discipline, recovery and sleep benefits of cold water therapy are outstanding, worth adding to one's regimen.
In this video I am joined by a special guest, John Richter who together walk you through everything you need to know to build your own Chest Freezer Cold Plunge. It's one thing to buy a chest freezer and then fill it with water, it's quite another thing to ensure that freezer lasts (w/out rust or dimpling) and your water stays at the temperature you want it, sanitized and clean. But it all can be done with the correct steps and knowledge.
John has been involved in Wim Hoff and Cold water therapy for nearly a decade now. It was the only thing that treated his insomnia years ago after having his daughter.
He's the founder of the valuable FB Group "Chest Freezer Cold Plunge" which has amassed over 3K members. He has published a detailed book: https://chestfreezercoldplunge.com/bookpromo/ which outlines dimensions, buy guides, sealing, prepping, controlling temp and water sanitation among many other things.
Quite simply, if you're going to build a Chest Freezer Cold Plunge, John is THE guy.
This video is long, we will start with some highlights of the process and we will walk you through all the parts and components you'll need as well as how the application and prep works.
If you enjoyed this then you'll want to check out my writings and more ways to optimize your health below on our site.
The coupon for the ozone generators is: OptiAlign
The coupon for the e-book is: Karnivore
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Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Ep 33 - Energy Optimization on the Carnivore Diet
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
I've been testing and figuring out the best ways to optimize my energy levels.
When and how you eat, sleep, workout all play a pivotal role in this. In this video, I'll cover the last 6 weeks schedule and shifts as well as my experience and then discuss my plans for a new approach leading into the next several weeks to see if I see an even stronger improvement.
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Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Ep 32 - Chili vs Ooler Sleep System, Which is Better (2020)
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Kyro Inc, Chili Technologies has some incredible sleep products. Of their most popular and well known by high performers and all folks alike is their ChiliPad and Ooler Sleep System.
Last year we released a detailed review of these products. After having slept on my system for nearly a year, we decided to do a round two update and this time capture some higher quality product footage and tests using a surface temperature gun.
Tune in if you're considering buying these systems to learn which performs and more about each of them.
I've also worked directly with Kryo Inc to get affiliate discount codes if you order, here's the link and the codes you can use at check out for the discount:
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Saturday Jul 25, 2020
Ep 31 - 4 Testosterone Maximizing Tips on Carnivore I Wish I knew
Saturday Jul 25, 2020
Saturday Jul 25, 2020
My friend who is Carnivore recently texted me and she was concerned about some weight gain she was experiencing. I responded with a few of your questions and then it dawned on me that these questions are not just questions she has but ones we commonly see in the community of those seeking help with weight loss.
She's been Carnivore now for close to a year, fairly strict but she hasn't been doing it entirely the right way and there's a few mistakes she's been making and I wanted to highly 4 major variables that I think might not be a common practice among every Carnivore that can make a world of difference for most of us.
Check out this vid as I run through some of the most common mistakes Carnivores are making.
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Saturday Jul 18, 2020
Ep 30 - 4 Weight Loss Tips on Carnivore I Wish I Knew
Saturday Jul 18, 2020
Saturday Jul 18, 2020
My friend who is Carnivore recently texted me and she was concerned about some weight gain she was experiencing. I responded with a few of your questions and then it dawned on me that these questions are not just questions she has but ones we commonly see in the community of those seeking help with weight loss.
She's been Carnivore now for close to a year, fairly strict but she hasn't been doing it entirely the right way and there's a few mistakes she's been making and I wanted to highly 4 major variables that I think might not be a common practice among every Carnivore that can make a world of difference for most of us.
Check out this vid as I run through some of the most common mistakes Carnivores are making.
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Check out our new book Sleep Guide. The secret to unlocking the power of sleep. Get your copy now!

Saturday Jul 11, 2020
Ep 29 - Oura Ring vs Whoop 3.0, Best Sleep Tracker? (2020)
Saturday Jul 11, 2020
Saturday Jul 11, 2020
For the last 6 months I've been testing a variety of specific sleep / performance trackers. The Oura Ring and Whoop strap 3.0 are two of the most exciting bio-markers to come on the market lately.
0:00 Overview
6:02 Oura dashboard
6:56 My sleep metrics
7:28 Whoop dashboard
8:45 Whoop for fitness
10:03 Whoop PA report
11:10 Desktop apps: verdict
Oura mobile app:
12:57 Oura dashboard
14:15 Heart rate variability
14:53 Sleep stats on Oura
15:55 Across days in Oura
Whoop mobile app:
17:10 Whoop dashboard
17:32 Sleep stats on Whoop
18:07 Stats: Oura vs. Whoop
19:09 Stats: first verdict
19:34 Comparison examples
20:39 Stats: second verdict
In this video we go over my data/experience, data, and some of the biggest pros/cons I've had with my experience using them. Let me know your thoughts if you've used them and are enjoying them.
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Saturday Jul 04, 2020
Ep 28 - COVID-19 with a Carnivore Diet
Saturday Jul 04, 2020
Saturday Jul 04, 2020
Uh oh! Last week we vlogged how may have gotten COVID-19 Corona virus!
In this episode we continue that vlog and share exactly what it’s like to have confirmed Coronavirus. Day by day we’ll go through my personal experience and data during the week on my recovery, respiratory, body temp, and see how I’m doing as I continue through this fog.
Greatly appreciate your support and all the comments and kind gestures folks have reached out with.
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