
Saturday Nov 21, 2020
Ep 47 - Carnivore Diet Master Class
Saturday Nov 21, 2020
Saturday Nov 21, 2020
This is the Master Class on exactly HOW to do a Carnivore Diet, nose to tail.
A step by step video module course with me Karnivore Kurt as your guide distilling, outlining and breaking down the key philosophies, mindsets, approaches and habits needed for you to understand and transition sustainably to this way of eating.
Whether you're intermediate, advanced or completely new to the Carnivore Diet, if you're seeking optimal life performance and health your diet is one of the single largest levers. Human evolved from primates as Carnivores, and this course will give you the guidance and information you need to develop mastery, the quickest and easiest way possible.
This course has dozens of video modules condensed and synthesized addressing the most common questions, concerns and ideas to completely transition to this way of eating and thriving.
You will learn everything I've learned on how to eat this way consistently. You will learn what I know and do, my exact routines, my exact approach to shopping, my planning, macro tracking, weight loss, testosterone and supplementation.
Nothing is held back.
If you've ever wanted to master this way of eating, this course is absolutely for you: https://www.opti-align.com/carnivoredietcourse
And to show that I truly believe in the value, if you are not satisfied you can simply email us (all info in the link) and we'll provide a full refund no questions asked.
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Saturday Nov 14, 2020
Ep 46 - 2 Major Carnivore Diet Lies
Saturday Nov 14, 2020
Saturday Nov 14, 2020
I'm traveling in Boston this week and I thought it'd be fun to list off the two biggest Carnivore Diet arguments I hear over and over.
Especially when traveling when your discipline and routine are tested these arguments are often tested even more than usual.
These are common things I've seen people have issues with and I think these thoughts will help alleviate some of those concerns.
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Saturday Nov 07, 2020
Ep 45 - How to Hunt on a Carnivore Diet Pt.2
Saturday Nov 07, 2020
Saturday Nov 07, 2020
In this educational hunting vid we conclude our quest of tracking and hunting Axis.
There was some epic footage and the conclusion was worth the journey!
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Saturday Oct 31, 2020
Ep 44 - Meateater hunts Axis... this happened instead?
Saturday Oct 31, 2020
Saturday Oct 31, 2020
You know what happens when you load up a rifle and get out to Roam Ranch?
Solid hunting experience.
If you are doing nose-to-tail carnivore, you have to try hunting for your food. And no better place to hunt than on the hunting grounds of Roam Ranch, only an hour and a half west of Austin, Texas. Here you get a full appreciation of regenerative farming.
Hunting for the chital, otherwise known as the spotted dear or Axis deer. These beautiful creatures are agile, fast, and have a powerful sense of smell and hearing. Making hunt more challenging and those final moments of taking the shot more intense.
In this episode, the hunt for Axis deer took an interesting twist when the night gave the deer and other wildlife more advantage to hide.
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Saturday Oct 24, 2020
Ep 43 - Joe Rogan Paul Saladino Insights
Saturday Oct 24, 2020
Saturday Oct 24, 2020
CarnivoreMD went on Joe Rogan last Friday!
It was a great episode if you haven't checked it out. In this video, we highlight some of the key moments in that discussion around Carnivore Diet. Some of the biggest points of common concern when considering the Carnivore Diet.
This was fun.
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Saturday Oct 17, 2020
Ep 42 - Carnivore Diet Results 2 Years Bloodwork with Dr. Paul Saladino
Saturday Oct 17, 2020
Saturday Oct 17, 2020
More bloodwork! This one is a re-hash of my 2-year results, but this time we have the man, the myth, the legend Dr. Paul Saladino on a Zoom call interpreting my results with me!
We go through these labs and discuss some of the biggest misconceptions and concerns, if I'm healthy and where I might be at risk.
The Carnivore Course is live! Check it out here now:

Saturday Oct 10, 2020
Ep 41 - Will Carbs Kill Me? CGM on a Carnivore Diet
Saturday Oct 10, 2020
Saturday Oct 10, 2020
Will carbs kill me?
How do they look on a continuous glucose monitor that tracks my blood sugar consistently monitoring and updating me with data?
What about alcohol, sunshine, sauna, cold exposure? In this video, I go through the different experiences I had and share the data my glucose monitor tracked as I consumed these different
What does it look like when I consume these different variations. Oh, and of course I also looked at how a Carnivore meal looks.
Check it out!
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Saturday Oct 03, 2020
Ep 40 - Traveling on a Carnivore Diet in Miami
Saturday Oct 03, 2020
Saturday Oct 03, 2020
Traveling always makes it hard to stay on the plan. BUT it's often not as hard as people make it out to be. In this vid I walk through how I visit Hollywood and Miami and stay on plan without compromising my diet while traveling.
Lots of great tips and quick nuggets throughout to learn how to stay disciplined to this way of eating easily.
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Saturday Sep 26, 2020
Ep 39 - Insomnia, Sleep Optimization with Carnivore Diet
Saturday Sep 26, 2020
Saturday Sep 26, 2020
Bad sleep, insomnia. Don't worry. We got you covered in this vid. Coming from a former insomniac, I've personally conquered my sleep issues while dealing with depression and anxiety and I can tell you first hand I sleep like a happy baby now. I'll be covering some incredible tips, which you can get further info and reading on w/ our website and my sleep book.
Optimize your sleep now: https://www.opti-align.com/optimizing-your-sleep
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Saturday Sep 19, 2020
Ep 38 - Carnivore Diet Day of Eating
Saturday Sep 19, 2020
Saturday Sep 19, 2020
Decided to film my Carnivore Diet day of eating.
Follow me through this journey as I walk you through my meals and show you how to stay optimized and eat pre/post workout while staying full Carnivore.
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